Saturday, March 19, 2011

Brush strokes

Some of the random efforts made by me using pencils,brushes(sizes: 2,7 & 8) and watercolors!

Youth festival (Mumbai University)

Over the years, the University of Mumbai has shown excellence in all spheres of Academics, Research and in the preservation of the culture of India.This festival takes place first at the Zonal level and then at the National level. Students from universities all over the country have been participating in the youth festival, which is a cultural event, having 5 competition categorizes such as Dance, Music, Literary Arts, Fine Arts and Theatre. At the Western Zone Level, Mumbai University has won the competition for the past 24 years, which itself is an All-India record.
The above sculpture was my effort at the finals conducted at Churchgate on 21st August 2010. Being amateur in clay modeling the festival gave me a platform to discover and develop the art, thanks to my friend Amol who dragged me into this and gave me tips and tricks which guided me till the last minute ! lol !

Portraits (old school days!)

The following are some of the sketches done during school days before my Intermediate Drawing exam


Cartoon sketches done by me for D.M.C. submissions (MET Bandra)
Using color and hb pencils.

Camouflaged emotions

the human was born, matured, died ..
but it was so inexistent.

he laughed, frowned, cried..
but it was so unnoticed.

he loved, hated, lied..
but it was so unreal.

he hoped, dreamt, flied..
but it was so earthy.

he shouted, screamed, chide..
but it was so silent.

he grimmed, smiled, shyed..
but it was so impassive.

unobserved were these notions..

..he had camouflaged emotions !

Saturday, September 6, 2008

i-phone watz the buzz ?

The much awaited i-phone was launched on June 2007 with equal hype. As an Apple admirer i too had a fancy to have this said-to-be revolutionary gadget. Steve Jobs seemed just like a magician doing fancy tricks with his fingers. It was then when i decided to find out what was all this glitter and glory. i-phone just looked like a perfect device with all the things desired and ahoy the great interface! The phone has the best and simple interface i have ever seen. Viewing videos and photos is a sure pleasure. It has a very good internet browser. But yes as nothing is perfect ! i-phone too has glitches. Bluetooth is not helpful while sending music files. It had a phonebook problem too ! Even its activation was hectic ! But above all this complaints i phone stands out and has no competition as it has its own class ! It is a revolution and it had made Nokia and other mobile giants to rethink and innovate more ! hats off jobs !!!